T_Zsámbék basin map for iPhone and iPad

Detailed  digital Zsámbék basin / Etyek hills tourist  and biking  map for Apple devices  (iPhone and iPad)


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The off line T_Zsámbék basin / Etyek hills tourist map application can be purchased in AppStore. It „speaks” in 3 languages: Hungarian, English, German. The map can be scaled and swiped. The built in compass helps to orientate the device. Using GPS the application shows and follows your position on the map. A linear scale serves for estimating distances to be covered.. 

     The user’s guide is available by tapping the “info” button in the main screen. If Internet connection is available, you may use on line weather information and public traffic time tables. 

     Using the maps of the s.c. T_map series you can search not only for all names on the map (wells, peaks, streems, landscape elements, settlements, sights, POI-s etc), but also for the marked tourist trails. There is a free map in the series Káli basin 1:30.000, which allows you to check the possibilities of these applications without any risk